Saturday, April 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Babe!


Sarie said...

Cuuuute! Happy Birthday Matt. You guys are so freakin cool. Get real Lori. How are you feeling? Thinking of you...

Marci and Morgan said...

I love the slide show...and Happy Birthday Matt. Now to go completely off-subject- Lori, how did you get your gadget to show up like it does. I keep getting 2 scroll bars and it doesn't fit the section that is for some reason set aside for it...anyway, if you wouldn't mind going to my blog and leaving a comment on how the HECK you did that- I would be entirely grateful.

Bridget said...

Very cool. Happy Birthday, Matt! Ben says hi :)

Mindy said...

Lori, you are an amazing blogger! What a cute family and slideshow! I want to see more pix of your house.