Friday, April 11, 2008

No furry pets in this house..

This picture is for Judy Hribar and Kathy Garnica.


Sarah and Dan said...

Looks like little sis got the bigger half- what a woman!

Marci and Morgan said...

NO freakin' way. That is NOT okay...I can't even stand the thought of having a pet like that in my house- I would never rest. You are a GOOOOD woman Lori.

Lisa said...

We had several pet snakes growing up, and I always liked to hold them because it felt cool when they slithered around my arms. Then one pooped on me and my whole outlook changed. It was sooo slimy and gross (I think it was a digested frog that came out). I didn't like holding them after that...

Chelsea said...

Bridget, my mom, our babies and I went shopping when we were all in CA a couple of weeks ago. There was a guy with a snake display in the mall. Mom got about halfway past it before she noticed what she was walking bye! Oh My Goodness, you should have seen her face, it was the funniest thing I've ever seen. She had the most complete look of terror as she ran past the man holding the snake! I'm laughing about it just writing this!

SlonikerScoop said...

I'm calling CPS.....enough said

Sarie said...

Aw, just like the evening we met you on a Sunday walk in Lehi and your crazy husband was taking the snake on the family walk too... I knew we'd be instant friends. Crazy husbands in common.