Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I'm not sure why, but I am not the biggest fan of taking my kids picture with Santa or the Easter bunny. There is just something a bit weird/creepy about it. And today's events confirmed that for me. I took my kids to the mall today to go to the play place and the easter bunny was there! But after a few minutes of observation, there was something a little disturbing about the 7 ft. rabbit with dirty and matted fur. The "thing", person or rabbit, hardly moved. Accept for perhaps a 45 degree turn of the head and a weak wave in the direction of the approaching child. I came to the conclusion that it was either A) a 95 year old man who was about to die and the photographer was a part time hospice worker B) an individual who preferred limited movement or enthusiasm in case of overheating in the obnoxious bunny suit or C) the ACTUAL Easter bunny who was coming off of a meth addiction. After the photo op I even casually circled the area and observed no change in behavior. Dont let his smile in the picture fool you, he was as boring as they come.

1 comment:

Sarie said...

Freaky is right. I hate the E bunny and Santa at the mall. Super freaky. You and I are so similar.