Monday, January 28, 2008


While I was serving my mission in New York, i met some of the greatest people. One of them, Cristy, was from Long Island and she gave me a special gift called "the Cristionary" right before I left serving in the area. It is basically a dictionary of words, terms and phrases that you would use in the ghetto. I know alot of decent people living in New York who could find these words helpful if you feel like you need to fit in in certain areas. By the way, i will type these just as she wrote them. POLICE- 5-0, po-po or one time.. FIXIN'- when you are going to do something..STINKIE- a mean person.. BALLER- a rich person who spends alot of money.. CHICK or SHORTY- is a female..TO CALL SOMEONE A DONUT- means they have nothing in the middle, no brain..STAY UP-also means see you later..SO FRESH, SO CLEAN-means nicely dressed..BRICK- means its cold..CHICKEN HEAD- is a stupid girl..YO BUST IT- means listen to this..FLOSS- means to show off..SCRUB- broke guy..BIRD- broke girl..BEASTIN'- you are over reacting on one thing *****My personal favorites..GET OUT-you need a tic tac.. U KNOW-means you know.. So hopefully you are not "beastin" over my blog because you are a "stinkie" "stay up" and hopefully you dont need to "get out"..."u know"!


Katie M said...

I am so using "beastin'" with my long island coworker tomorrow. thanks!

Unknown said...

Hey Yo, how's the Baller & 5-0? I'm just fixin to get this kid out...I'm really a big stinkie lately b/c of it all! I can't wait for you to floss me your new place in real life. Yo bust it, don't be beastin', but when this scrub comes out I'll come over & see it if you'll let me, U know?! Stay up, yo! (hope you're feeling good;)

Whirl Winds said...

Love it. Do you remember Huddy? Or Juked? We'll I think it's Huddy when people Juke you. So there.

Sarie said...

You are such a nerd. Which in anglo-saxon means, you're pretty funny and make me laugh.

Flora said...

I wish someone had given me a cristionary! It would have come in handy in NYC! Love your blog! Love you and Matt!