Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Silly Misunderstanding.

So, I have this friend who I believe, is one of the funniest people I have met. The great thing is, is that she doesnt have to try..she is just FUNNY. And I can never repeat any funny comments from her because the humor is the combination in HOW she says things and her facial expressions. If you have read the slightly embarassing "about me " section on my blog, you will learn that my dream is to "dive with humpbacks"..its true..I must repeat (read carefully) DIVE with know..the giant things that swim around in that big blue place out there...Well, my funny friend must be a speed reader because she thought it said that I wanted to live with hunchbacks..I repeat..LIVE WITH HUNCHBACKS. I am pretty sure she didnt call me for awhile because of this unfortunate misunderstanding. Living with hunchbacks eh? Not so much. Maybe if you are a gypsy and you like really loud bells.


Jackson said...
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Sarie said...

Ok you are the hilarious one. I just think it's funny that you wrote this post and then you were talking to me about how you were cracking yourself up writing it... maybe you think I'm funny and I think you're funny and no one else really agrees....