Sunday, November 18, 2007


Matt: "Hayley, we are going to your cousins house and they have lots of Barbie movies!"
Hayley: (thrilled..and then she becomes dramatic) " Dad, I am gonna watch a Barbie movie and then I am gonna cry, and then I will watch another one...and then I will take off my skin." (What?! that was a little Hannibal Lector-ish if you ask me.)

Hayley: (pretty upset) "mom, this kid took this book from me and it made me mad!"
Lori: "I am sorry..what book was it?"
Hayley: (practically choking on her tears) "Build the Bobber! "

So Leah is still working on her English. But you know, according to her she speaks perfectly.
Her "S's" dont quite come out, so she will say something like " mom! I can ying yo yong" (I can sing your song)

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