Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hayley just started first grade. So part of my morning routine includes spending a good half hour with her. Just her. Helping her get dressed, doing her hair, reading to her as she eats her breakfast and making sure she gets to school on time.
This may seem like no big deal to the more seasoned mothers, but its a new and special thing to me to have a quiet household and be able to focus on one child.
I have been trying to read scriptures with Hayley while she eats. Or I try and cram in a mini-gospel lesson hoping that those ideas will be in the back of her head all day and help her. I have not been extremely good at this kind of stuff but i want to be.
But yesterday she said to me before she ran off to the playground " And Mom, no kisses, BECAUSE PEOPLE STARE."
Ughhhh. really? No kisses? None? Nada? And she informed me that walking her to school is not necessary.
My eyes started to burn. But i kept my composure. At least she didnt scream "You are a murderer of love!" like in the movie "Dan in Real Life". Which I am sure happens in real- life. So I guess I am okay. For now.


Sarie said...

I know. I helped in Grace's class today and when I first walked in and walked up to her, I put my lips out to kiss her and she totally hesitated... I was like, ooookayyy...

Carrie said...

OUCH!!! My heart aches for you. Maya starts next week and I am praying she will cling to me and not want to let go. (doubt it but one can hope)

Amber said...

Don't worry Lori, it gets easier. Just be proud of yourself for raising an independent little person. It really does make life easier as they get older.

Tricia said...

Abby is literally my little shadow lately. I see her peeping around corners all the time and she panics if she can't find me, and especially if I leave the house for any reason. It's like she's three again. I'm curious to see what school brings on next week. ?

Crystal said...

Who teaches kids that it's not cool to kiss their mom...I'm going to find that kid/person and beat them up! I like your idea of reading scripture with her before school. You are a rock star mom!