Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is ABSURD.

As I mentioned before, i have PMS, so my OB recommended taking a birth control pill. Yaz, to be specific. i opened up that little information booklet just for the heck of it and this is what i read.

Risk of developing blood clots.
Heart attacks and strokes.
Gallbladder disease.
Liver Tumors
Cancer of the reproductive organs and breasts.

Besides the vaginal bleeding, fluid retention, depression (WHAT??!!), melasma, other side effects are: nausea, vomiting, change in appetite, headache, nervousness, dizziness, loss of scalphair, rash and vaginal infections.

Soooo. ummm. No thanks, I think i will just go for being depressed 3 days out of 30.


nikki said...

Lori you should really look into alternative medicine, I'm sure there is a safe herbal remedy also acupuncture works really well & is sometimes covered by insurance, Joe & I do acupuncture for all sorts of stuff. Hope you feel better :)

Sarie said...

Seriously!! Ya I'm moody about 15 days out of 30, what's that about? Last night I hopped on the crazy train for a few hours but this morning I'm all better! Ready to communicate like a real human being!

Tricia said...

I would agree with Nikki's post, Lori. There are some "natural" things you can do to help it- as I've learned with myself. I remember having the same experience as you with a doctor, a drug and shocking side effects- about 10 years ago. I still remember the moment I tossed the bottle in the garbage and decided to go a different route. This past year, I really screwed things up and back came the dark days of PMS and even cramps! I haven't had cramps for at least 10 years- I'd forgotten what they feel like! Anyway, tweaking my diet is what makes all the difference- especially the levels of meat, eggs and dairy (who knew?) Of course, this along with getting lots of fruits, veggies (leafy greens) and whole grains, rather than processed foods, but I was shocked at how much I'm affected by animal protein (including dairy).

For whatever its worth...

Unknown said...

ok. My mom is a HUGE believer in avoiding animal protein. She eats very little of it cuz when she does indulge, she feels like crap.

I know that natural supplements work & there are plenty out there for "female issues". Try looking @ Good Earth, they're usually very helpful.

I got a cream hormone and was told to rub it on my "thin skin areas" (inside of forearm's) when I felt crabby...ta da! It works like a charm :) It's Rx progesterone, I believe. When I get home I'll check!

Or, you could just take up alcohol!

Mull Family said...

my doctor just put me on Yaz to get me regulated... makes me feel really good to know I'm safe... hmmm. At least I only have to be on it for a month.

Jenny said...

Birth control pills had a major effect on me- I was on them since I hit puberty as my grandmother was a victim of ovarian cancer. After literally 15 years on birth control pills, I assumed that my seasonal depression, moodiness and occasional outbursts towards Mike and my loved ones were just parts of my personality. Once I finally made the decision to stop my birth control- my life changed significantly. I felt in control of my emotions, the depression greatly improved and my major mood swings were gone- AND I got pregnant! Ha! I guess the pills were working in one way :) Hormones are a powerful thing and anything that is directly affecting those levels can have some major effects. As Nikki mentioned, alternative medicine can work wonders. Hang in there!