Friday, April 17, 2009

Reasons To Love Leah

#1 today you referring to Rees's bib as her boob.
#2 today you called mashed potatoes "mass pachetos"
#3 You told me that your favorite things are birthday cake, taquitos, cousins and pinatas.
#4 You played well with your friend Ella (who you are obsessed with) and hugged her at least 15 times in 2 hours and yelled I love you out the window after we took her home.
#5 You refer to Reese as your "baby head".
#6 you need chocolate milk like i need Diet coke.
#7 you want to call Grandma multiple times a day. Oh wait, so do i.
#8 You tell me how many poops you will have before you even go.
#9 you are ooober affectionate
#10 you can already talk to me like you are a teenager. scary.


Carrie said...

How could you not love her?!

Unknown said...

So lovable. This is the age...soak it all in!

Lisa said...

She's just too cute! Happy birthday to your little girl.