Friday, November 14, 2008


Okay, this is the 2nd night I have put Reese down for the night at 9pm and she has gotten up at 12:30, 4 and 6. She is WIDE AWAKE at 6am and I am about to lose my mind. Last night is the first time I have gotten frustrated with her. The fun part is that our bedroom is downstairs and she is upstairs. And yes, i have been naughty and nursed her. But i just feel like I cant do this anymore. Should I let her cry it out? Any suggestions?


Bridget said...

That's a tough one, Lori. How old is she now 5, almost 6 months? Don't they usually go through a grow spurt around that age? Maybe she just really is hungry. I'm not sure when, but I know Paige went through a phase like that. It didn't last very long and you KNOW I nursed her! Maybe when you're ready to start solids she'll get back to her typically awesome sleeping habits. I don't know. In the meantime that just stinks that you're losing so much sleep. Maybe the next time Matt's home you can fit in some time for a nap.

Unknown said...

yes. you should let her cry it out. IF, she cries longer than 15 minutes, she needs consoling. Remember Baby Wise? My sweet friend Lori introduced me to it & I LOVE IT. I've done it w/both my baby's & it WORKS. Just buy some Boo Koo or Red Bull til you get through it!! j/k :) Love you, good luck.

Mindy Burns said...

I guess I am the cruel, unloving mother, but I started letting my babies (my singleton and twins) cry the night through at 4 months. It took 2 nights of over an hour of crying- I sobbed and Brian wore ear plugs, but we haven't lost sleep since! It's hard, but worth it. However, it's your baby and you know her best, so don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with.

BRIAR said...

Eden is in the EXACT same stage. Turns out she is STARVING. I am nursing her, started her on solids today AND supplementing with a bottle. She can't get enough. I am just treating it as a stage and letting her cry for a little bit, then feeding her if it doesn't stop. Good luck!! Call me at 3am, I am up with you.

Mindy Goorchenko said...

As Bridget mentioned, it immediately brought to mind a growth spurt, which can certainly be challenging. We cosleep and Bethany wakes up once to nurse and it's pretty much a non-issue. But you need to find the thing that works for you two. Good luck! It will pass.

slogreek said...

Lori... I have expert advice!
CALL JUDY! Make her come over and take night duty!
There... that was easy. Never hesitate to call upon the Greek Man for the correct answer!

slogreek said...

One thing my cousin did was put ricemeal or something like that in the bottle for night feeding before bed... left baby fuller and he zonked out! I'll confirm it with her and get back to you. I still say call your mom!

Derrick and Angie said...

Lori, you are brave asking for sleep advice. I think the best advice is that you know your baby so do what feels right. If she is just hungry you will know when you feed her. Grace was doing that and when she clonked back to sleep as soon as she started nursing, the next night I was way OK with listening to her cry and fuss it out. OTherwise, I would go insane wondering if she is hungry. anyway, I can't wait for Grace to meet Reese someday! That will be fun and cute. :)

rachmjohn said...

When you figure this out will you let me know because Mason is almost 2 and still drives me CRAZY! When he was about Reese's age and I had decided it wasn't anything that he needed I bought ear plugs and just slept through it. Tom didn't so if it was really bad he could get up, but he sleeps through a lot more than I do.