Friday, July 25, 2008


All I will say is that I went to bed late, woke up with the baby a few times and was NOT ready for Leah to wake up when she did. I AM NOT THE GREATEST MOTHER WHEN I HAVE THE HEADACHE OF POOR SLEEP. So I was not the nicest to Leah this morning. It is hard to be the mother of little ones sometimes. Thats just life.

Just recently, a girl I knew in college lost her 1 year old niece in a drowning accident and her mother has written openly about losing her and the whole grieving process. I am amazed. She has turned her heart inside out and stuck it on her blog. I wish i could articulate how reading her words make me feel. I read them this morning to remind me to love my kids more and to be nicer! Not to long ago i had a friend take his own life and leave a wife and their child. My heart ached for a LONG time. Still does when i think about it. This mother writes even how to treat those who are dealing with their loss. I wish i had this to read when my friend had died. I feel like trials are dark clouds in the distance that you CAN see and that WILL come. I am grateful for her sharing so openly so I may be better prepared. Take a few minutes to check it out.


Unknown said...

oh, Lori. Did you have to? I feel this way about Wyatt so much & so of course I went to the link, read, cried, & commented. I cannot imagine being this strong. I seriously need to adjust my attitude toward motherhood & my 3 yr old. These days, they will not last forever. I shall cherish more. ;) XOXO

Mindy Goorchenko said...

I appreciate how you wrote that grief is like that dark cloud in the distance that you know will come. I've been thinking about that a lot lately...I remember how idealistic I was when I was younger, and even now I remain blessedly unscathed in so many ways...but my grandma was murdered about two years ago. :( And I still don't feel I've really grieved this or figured out just what to do with it all. Anyway, thank you. I haven't looked at it yet but I will.