Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Dont let this smile fool you because this child has major attiTUDE! Where did my sweet-swinging-arms-happy-go-lucky-worships mom-child go?
I do realize that she cannot say any words and her vocab is limited to taradactle- (sp?) like screaming, but give us a break child!
The latest development, besides her deafening screams, are: biting me anywhere she can sink her teeth because she thinks its funny when i tell her NO, pinching me anywhere on my body, chucking food for fun, climbing up the bunkbed ladder, having absolutely NO fear in the swimming pool and last but not least, she lays on the floor (usually in church) on her stomach and kicks and pounds her fists while screaming..usually for no apparent reason.
And this is when she is totally healthy. She has had a cold this week so imagine this behavior while being extra clingy and whiney.
Thank goodness for motherly love that helps me endure through all of the chaos.


Sarie said...

Oh. my. gosh. I thought Lillie broke a few weeks ago. Like, what have you done with my once so nice baby? Is she gone forever? She has gone off the deep end. Tantrums, hitting, screaming, I mean seriously!? Maybe my others were like that at 13 months and I don't remember??

I am afraid. very afraid.

Tricia said...

We went out to eat tonight (yikes) and the twins both screamed through most of dinner (!). All I keep thinking is how frustrated they must be that they can't express their needs in any other way. But sheesh- they could shatter glass these days!

Unknown said...

huh. and now you know how I've felt for the last 6 months. mine is different torture, but torture none the less. good luck, sister!